The Bookworm Tag // in which I mostly fangirl over The Count of Monte Cristo

Once upon a time I was tagged by several illustrious people, tags that have been lying around gathering dust, and not the pixie kind. Such a shame, right?

So since I am in a bookish mood, today I come to you with The Bookworm Tag, given to me by Joelle from The Pen Inspired! Thanks so much Joelle. 😊

  • If you had to pick just one (ONLY ONE NO CHEATING LIKE ME!) quote from a book, which would be your favorite?

This is a cruel question. It ought to have a category. Funny quote? Profound quote? Inspirational quote? Poetic quote? How am I to choose??

I’m just going to pick the one currently stuck in my head, from yet another read through of The Count of Monte Cristo. There are, assuredly, far more poignant quotes in this book but the question was too stressful for me to think of any.

“Monte Cristo although uninhabited, yet serves occasionally as a refuge for the smugglers and pirates who come from Corsica, Sardinia, and Africa, and if it becomes known that we have been there, we shall have to perform quarantine for six days on our return to Leghorn.”

“The deuce! That puts a different face on the matter. Six days! Why, that’s as long as the Almighty took to make the world! Too long a wait—too long.”

I haven’t stopped giggling.

Exploring the Famous but Little-Known Island of Montecristo
  • Which book would you love to see turned into a film?

The Count of Monte Cristo.

“But Elisha!” you say. “That already is a film!”

In my eyes, that so-called film does not exist. *snobbish sniff* A proper film portrayal would require several hours and be faithful to the book, along the likes of the 1939 Gone with the Wind film. Emphasis on faithful to the book.

I’m also dying to see an adaptation of The Ascendance Series by Jennifer Nielsen, featuring the snarkiest and cleverest boy in literature. I’d also love to see a modern The Silver Chair adaptation.

  • What’s your most favorite scene from any book ever?

Another cruel question! I’ll limit myself to a few scenes.

When Thranduil interrogates Thorin in The Hobbit. Because it was hilarious.

When Anne describes literally any scenery in Anne of Green Gables. Because it was gorgeously dreamy.

When Dantes meets Mercedes again as the Count of Monte Cristo. Because it was heartbreaking and emotionally powerful and I cried. Actually this can apply to many scenes in this book.

king thranduil and thorin - Thranduil Photo (38048821) - Fanpop

(movie version was much too dramatic, intense, and frightful. book version was an occasion to dissolve into giggles.)

  • Do you judge a book by its cover?

To be perfectly honest, unless it’s a classic or it was recommended to me, yes, I do. *sips tea* *arches snobbish eyebrow*

  • What’s your least favorite series, and why?

This is also a difficult question, because if I read a full series, it means I liked the book enough to commit a huge chunk of my time. So I really love all the series I’ve read.

But if we’re talking about series I started but couldn’t finish, I’d say my least favorite is The Trials of Apollo series by Rick Riordan. It started reading like a fanfiction of Riordan’s own previous, better works, and it delved too graphically and admiringly into homosexuality.

  • Are there any books you’d recommend people to stay away from?

the one I wrote when I was nine years old

Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of books exist in the world, which sounds like a glorious thing, but unfortunately this means there are also thousands of horrible books. So yes, there are tons of books I would never recommend. Political books like White Fragility and Becoming, to a vast array of trashy books that contain questionable moral content.

Now if we’re talking about books I’ve actually read, the list gets smaller. I’m very picky about what I read. Every book I pick up goes through a rigorous process to determine if it’s worth reading, meaning I thoroughly enjoy the vast majority of what I read. Currently I would stay away from Spin the Dawn (well-written and fascinating world-building, but especially the later half, the overall tone was dark, depressing, went too deep into demonic things, and started to plunge into heavier romance at the end) and Tess of the d’Urbervilles (it’s technically a classic and had lovely, engaging writing, but the messages were ambiguous, it ended on a horribly depressing note, and I didn’t come away from the book a better person.)

  • What is the most impactful theme/message you’ve ever noticed in a book?

How am I to choose?? Again??

I think I’ll say the themes in A Little Princess. This book, besides the Bible, is one that really shaped my development as a person. I wanted to be just like Sara. To do the right thing and be kind and honest no matter if people notice, no matter if people treat you like dirt, no matter if you’re as rich as an heiress or as poor as a penniless orphan. To truly be a princess. To study hard so I can be as intelligent as her. To write and tell stories as touching and immersive as hers. To learn French. Etc.

𝐢𝐥𝐡𝐚𝐚𝐦 on Instagram | Book inspiration, Book aesthetic, Literature art
  • What are some qualities you look for in a good book?

Immersive worldbuilding. Interspersed humor and ticklish one-liners. Raw, multi-layered characters. Subtle, powerful themes. Makes me think. Delicious plots and clever twists. Mysterious mysteries. Mostly clean. Written in anything but first person present.

*coughs* The Count of Monte Cristo contains all of these. *coughs*

  • If you found a random book stripped of its cover laying in a gutter on a rainy day, what would you do with it?

I would give it a proper funeral, assuming it’s too far gone to read. I would dry it up, put it in a little wooden box, sing a dirge, and bury it next to my beloved pet fish Cornelia, may they both rest in peace. And water the grave with my tears.

  • What’s the most inspiring story you’ve ever read, and why/how did it inspire you?

I’ll go with A Little Princess, for reasons above. Though I also love Black Beauty, inspiring me to be honest and hardworking and care for animals, and how ignorance is not an excuse, and many other things. And Gone with the Wind, inspiring me to not be as stupid as Scarlett and to write a book as emotionally touching.

And, since you totally didn’t see it coming, The Count of Monte Cristo, which inspired me to write satisfying intricate and complex plots, become as cultured as Dantes does, and take revenge on my enemies in the cleverest way possible. Oh wait. Just kidding on that last one. 😛

(Yes, I cheated on this question and gave four examples. However, unlike the first questions, there were no stipulations saying I couldn’t cheat, so, there. 😛 )

Chroniken des Blutes und Absinth


My questions:

  • What’s the longest book you’ve ever read and what made you stick with it?
  • What’s the funniest scene you’ve read?
  • Have you cried reading a book and if so, why?
  • What’s something you wished more books had?
  • Can you read more than one book at a time?
  • E-book or hardcover, for a massive tome like Les Miserables?
  • If you could only read one book for the rest of your life (besides the Bible) what would it be?
  • What’s the first book you ever remember reading?
  • In general, do you think books are better or worse now than they used to be?
  • How do you resist going broke at bookstores?

I shall nominate:

R.M. Archer @ Scribes & Archers

Eden @ The Happy Hedgehog

Amelie @ Swordmaiden of the King

Sarah @ Sixty Something Trees

and you, dear reader! 😀

That is all for today, mates! And now we come to crux of the moment: have you read The Count of Monte Cristo, yes or no? If yes, you must tell me what you thought of it! (even if you hated it…I won’t murder you or anything 😛 ) If no, what are you still doing here? You should be here. *shoves*

On that note, happy reading, and bon voyage!

Note: all pictures pilfered from Pinterest

12 thoughts on “The Bookworm Tag // in which I mostly fangirl over The Count of Monte Cristo

  1. Wonderfully done!! I must say, I’ve missed your humor and insights while you were gone. 😉 And I LOVED your answers!!! (I’ll come to the Book Funeral, BTW.) Awesome post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s such a great book! There are a bunch of free versions online if you don’t get it. 😉 And which film did you watch? I love the one with Shirley Temple.


    what an absolute masterpiece.
    two years later and i am still trying to understand the beauty and depth of this book and also just the general insanity of it. xD
    quite enjoyed reading the other parts of the tag too, even if the count of monte cristo is really what i came for. ;D
    ok but also how did I never see this aaagghhhhh?!! Sorry sorry, Elisha, and thanks so much for tagging me! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for reading Eden! 😀

      The Count of Monte Cristo is….*chef’s kiss* I feel like I’m not smart enough to fully appreciate all of its subtleties and amazingness, so every time I read it I dissolve into a puddle of bliss and a vague sense of revelation. 😂


  3. Goodness gracious. It is shameful how I have let my inbox get overrun and am only now getting around to commenting here. *facepalm*

    Thank you SO much for the tag, Elisha!! This looks like an absolute joy; hopefully I’ll get to it on my own (sadly neglected) blog sometime soon!

    (And ahhhh, thank you for the enthusiastic reminder to read The Count of Monte Cristo! *eyes TBR* I DO plan to get to it! :D)


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